Signed in as:
Dear Friends:
On behalf of the Northwest Side Irish we would like to thank you for your cooperation and participation to the Northwest Side Irish Friends and Family St. Patrick’s Day parade. We have had great support and cooperation from the surrounding neighbors and community businesses.
After meeting with the City of Chicago Mayor’s Office of Special events, our 16th District Commander and affiliated policing community we wanted to remind our friends and neighbors that the parade date for 2019 is on March 17th. We will kick off the parade at 12:00pm beginning at Onahan School running south on Neola to Northwest Highway, north on Northwest Highway ending at Harlem Avenue.
** Assembly for the parade will begin as early as 10:00 am. For those who live on the parade route we would like to remind you that parking notices will be posted and we will ask that you move your vehicles in a timely manner.
The parade has been a safe community friendly event and it is our utmost priority to keep the surrounding environment safe and friendly for the families and businesses that have supported our efforts over the past ten years. We take great pride in the compliments that come our way on behalf of this effort. Much of the family friendly environment comes from the community we live. Our neighbors and businesses have been the strength of the success of the event and we thank you for your support and hope this is an enjoyable event for your family and friends as well. Here are some important safety notes for your review.
Follow the directions from the NWSI Marshals and Chicago Police Department
* Keep children and adults behind the assigned barricades or designated curbside areas
* Do not step into the streets to pick up hand outs/candy etc. safety is our number one priority
* No distribution of any alcoholic beverages.
*No drinking of alcohol on the public way.
This will be enforced by the Chicago Police Department.
Thank you again for your support and participation in keeping with this family friendly Northwest Side event.
Daniel E. Murray, NWSI President
Elizabeth Murray, Coordinator
2019_Businesses & Neighbors Letter (docx)